Monday, April 20, 2009

Vacation Over - Yeah for School!

Ellie is finally starting to fight back with the boys.  Sam and Max both would sit on her and she would just laugh - now she has figure out how to sit on them!  They both had a lot of fun this weekend coloring.  Really the first time it held their interest for more than a couple minutes.  We have a lovely poster with scribbles now on display!
The highlight of the weekend is Max's new smile.  He finally lost one of the top middle teeth.  His smile has quite a few gaps now and it is so CUTE!
I have officially thrown in the towel and decided I have made everything I can for the showers for my sister.  I will now be packaging it up and sending it out on Tuesday.  I will post pictures of the main gift - the quilt in the next day or so.  It is almost done and I LOVE IT!  I can't wait to get back to some projects that I want to do for me.  Isn't the little bunny peaking out cute?  So fun and so easy to make.  I will take more photos with details of how fun and easy this was.
How did I not know how to sew when my three were infants?  These bibs are so easy and fun to make.  They will for sure go with any baby gift I give from now on.  They maybe took 10 minutes total to make and now that I know how to do snaps I could probably do them faster!  For sure I will make at least a dozen each time I make them and just have some on hand.

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