Friday, September 11, 2009

First Days of School

All three of my little dancing cherubs experienced first days of school.  Two out of three with great success, one we will have to work on . . . Ellie and Sam will be attending preschool each Friday for a couple of hours and Max has started second grade.  Max has had a great week and is thrilled to be back with friends and in the swing of things.  He loves the school, the teachers, his friends and is so content and happy.  We are thrilled to see his school spirit and pride!  It reminded me that not too long ago he was in Ellie and Sam's shoes and starting out into the school world.  Time has flown by!
Three Kids
Today Ellie and Sam thought going to school meant boarding the bus with Max. They grabbed their backpacks and headed down the driveway with Max. I happily snapped photos of all three of them and then when the bus came I realized what was going through their little minds.. . as the bus drove away they were very disappointed.
When I explained that we were driving to their school, they happily ran down the driveway chanting "school, school, school!" It was a riot. Then came the hard part, we didn't really need to leave for an hour! They were not going back into the house, so I grabbed some breakfast and we took off for a pre- pre-school breakfast picnic!
Ready to go
We of course were VERY early and took some more photos . . .
Excited to go to school
Waving to a friendJust before walking in for first class
The class was for two hours and needless to say, Sam cried for most of it. When I walked back into the building to pick them up, I could hear Sam crying from the door four classrooms away. When the teacher caught my eye, she had me come in. He ran to me and grabbed his backpack and was ready to go. He went from kid to kid and said goodbye while touching them gently on the back. He looked so sweet and was trying to be brave. I must say part of me loved that he just couldn't make it two hours without me . . . I am sure that as the weeks go by, he will get into the swing of things.
Ellie ran to my arms and jumped to me when she saw me, which was so sweet! Then she went right back to dancing and having fun. The teacher said she was a happy lively child and loved every minute. She tried to comfort Sam and when he wasn't interested, she told him "no cry Sam, no cry" and then starting singing the Mommy always comes back song, she learned from Max.
I must say it reminded me of our time in Bellingham and at the second MOPS meeting the speaker asked for the mom of the two year old who cries so much he threw up, to report back to the class. That kid of course was Max. Now the good part of this story is by the time he was in a two day a week pre-school the next year in Saratoga, he didn't miss me a bit and was one of the only kids who didn't cry the first day.


Unknown said...

oh they are so sweet. Poor Sam.. at least they BOTH didnt cry. I hope for a much easier time next time. He will eventually learn to love it I am sure ;-) and those back packs are so cute

Georgine said...

Mine was a crier - heck, sometimes she is still weepy and it's been more than a year! I, too, harbored a secret pleasure that she couldn't live without me. But, now, I am happy when she goes, because she is mostly happy. Good luck to both of them.

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